Principal's Office: Communication Is More Than Just Talk
Communication is an essential skill as a school leader. Much of our ability to lead hinges upon how well we communicate to those we serve through our leadership. School leadership is influencing others to create the climate for and deliver instruction that serves as a catalyst for student growth.
That influence is largely based upon the ability to communicate effectively. During times when stress is high, there will be an excessive number of opportunities for misunderstandings and offense.
Miscommunication causes confusion, creates opportunities for offense, and adds unnecessary frustration for everyone involved. Watch the video to hear more.
If you would like coaching on how to increase your strategic communication as a leader, use the calendar below and claim a complimentary session with me.
Jamal Maxsam L.L.C.
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Phone | 513-986-5352
© 2024 Jamal Maxsam L.L.C.