Principal's Office: How Has School Leadership Changed
Principals were once thought of as disciplinarians. Students that disrupted class were sent to the office to get a “consequence”
Then Principals shifted on helping teachers develop the skills to manage their classes keep students engaged, so they can stay in class. Principals shifted to function more as coaches, mentors.
Now, they are instructional leaders. Principals must be the primary influencer of the instructional strategies that are used to ensure quality instruction. This does not mean a Principal must know them all or have mastered them all. They must know how to influence the implementation.
Here is one shift that I believe needs to happen. School leaders need to know leadership. Leadership is not based upon knowledge of curriculum, assessment, or instruction. Leadership is based upon how well the leader can connect with those whom they serve through leadership. Leadership involves the delicate balance of demonstrating care for people beyond results, while ensuring results are achieved.
Leadership is influencing people to accomplish the vision, the right way and for the right reasons.
If you would like support in achieving this balance, get a complimentary 1 on 1 session with me.
Jamal Maxsam L.L.C.
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Phone | 513-986-5352
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