Dismantling Spiritualism: The Biblical Basis for Soaking Prayer
If we are not careful prayer can become more of an item on our To Do List than intentional time with God. Prayer cannot be something we do. It also can't be one sided, meaning we do all the talking while God listens. Prayer is an opportunity to develop relationship with God where we engage in conversation with Him. During the conversation we must be intentional to take the time to listen "to" as well as "for" the voice of God. One of the ways to listen for the voice of God is through soaking prayer.
Join me in the Dismantling Spiritualism Podcast as we discuss "The Biblical Basis for Soaking Prayer".
Jamal Maxsam L.L.C.
Email | info@jamalmaxsam.org
Phone | 513-986-5352
© 2025 Jamal Maxsam L.L.C.